Monday, August 10, 2015


Joining Five Minute Friday over at Heading Home

We write for five minutes, whatever is on your heart, no editing, no planning just writing on a one word prompt, this week's prompt is Here

HERE we go!!!!

After a wonderful weekend spent in Great Falls with my husband's family I have decided that the past couple of years have been a rollar coaster of ups and downs. I want to live more in the here and now.

So I am typing and thinking and thinking and typing and have decided that I need to say to live a better life and know that when I am gone from this earth I have no regrets. A friend posted this, this morning and it hit a nerve and made me think.

Words to live by for sure, here and now I am back to believing this. I am surrounding myself with people who encourage me, uplift me, and remind me that none of us are perfect and that living life and being happy is our choice and cannot be dictated by anyone else. Here and now is perfect and the past is the past.

To my family and friends I encourage you in your today's adventures, and thank you for encouraging me in mine.

Love you!


 Hello, blog world I haven't been on here in forever, but today's prompt reminded me that I used to love this space. So here goes no...