Friday, December 12, 2014

Kindness Elves Recap Days 6-12

Oh and the fun continues...

I am really starting to love the month of December again, and watching the looks on my girls faces, yes they are 12 and no they don't believe in Santa anymore, but they still believe in the magic and that is what really matters.  I want them to always believe in something that they can't see, it keeps the soul happy.

Day 6
Oh the fun that came, the first weekend we had a change of plans
but that is the way of the world and we went with it.
Thankfully the girls thought it was fun.

Day 7
We ended up spending Day 6 at the Festival of the Trees, and
hanging out at home, which was great! So Sunday we went and got
a tree as a family and had some friends join us, it was a great day!

Day 8
 Most of you know my girls are a little rugged and they love
love football, so today was a treat day. A small surprise and they loved it.

Day 9
 I would like everyone to know sending cards to soldiers is not as easy as one
would think it should be.  We wrote in some cards that we got at the dollar store,
sweet message of Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Thank you! And a friend
is delivering them to vets out at the fort for us. Thank Goodness.

Day 10
Giving money to the Red Kettles is much easier, and the girls love doing it. 
Wal-mart and Van's were our stops, even a little helps those in need.

Day 11
Toys for Tots is a great program and the girls love giving toys.
Thankfully there is a box at Pacific so we are dropping ours in there and visiting family.

Day 12
We love decorating gingerbread things this time of year, and this just happens to fall
the night before the girls get a sleepover at Uncle Wes' house where
they are decorating a gingerbread house. All Aboard!!

I hope you are all discovering a little extra magic this time of year and
celebrating the spirit that is Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Kindness Elves Recap Days 1-5

Sorry for being so MIA lately, but I promise I am making a comeback on this little blog.  There will be more about my missing presence and some of the things I have been wanting to share with family and friends in a post next week. This post however is focused on our Kindness Elves.

So I got this idea from a fellow Instagramer, Imagination Tree, and I couldn't be more excited about it. I have always seen Elf on the Shelf and I love his antics however I don't love that I have to threaten my kids to be good, instead I am hoping to give them ideas for being good, sharing love, and showing kindness.

Day 1
This was the introduction of the Kindness Elves,
I was so excited about bringing these little guys out 
And of course the girls were thrilled, Introducing Winter, formally Griz, and Shorty!!

Day 2
Now the whole point in the elves was so that the girls were showing kindness to others
but were having fun while they were doing it.
This day brought two birdseed bells so we could share some kindness 
with our feathered friends.  My girls get a love of birds from my mom and
their great-grandma's, so much fun hanging these outside.

Day 3
Oh, if you know my girls at all you know their love of animals, furry creatures big and small
bring smiles to their faces.  So Day 3, brought out a cat bed that K had actually bought for our cat, but he refuses to use.  She has been wanting to take it to the humane society for months, the elves bundled it up with some other goodies and off we went.  We spent and hour at the shelter, petting and playing with the older cats. If you are looking please consider adopting they are wonderful animals. The girls also got to hold a couple of the kittens and love on some of the office dogs. A great time was had and the girls already want to go back again.

Day 4
This day was about the girls, letting them know that their kindness had not gone unnoticed.
They love my mom's peppermint gum, she buys it special just for them really and 
so when this Candy Cane gum was right up their alley. They were very excited and funny
they took it to school and shared some with their friends. So Proud. 

Day 5
A treat for the mailman, yes it is a guy, and
some cards for a friends daughter who could use some extra cheer.

Another recap next week and some more posts,
because I have missed my little blog
and writing about our life!
Merry Christmas

Friday, November 14, 2014

6th Grade Bball

K decided to do 6th grade basketball this year. It was a fun experience she loves bball, she might not be tall but that girl has more determination, passion, and heart than most players twice her size. They do a tryout week, and then get placed on teams with a variety of play levels.  She had played with about half the girls on her team before and watching them learn over the season has been so fun.

They finished their season with a win and stats of 4-3. Not too bad, way to go girls!!

Also want to thank all our family that came to her games, she loves having fans!!

Sent from my HTC One

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lesson Learned

Lesson learned, Monday this week I made enchiladas they were just about done in the oven when I remembered we needed milk. I asked L to take them out when the timer went off. Less than 10 minutes later I pull into the driveway and K comes running out saying the pan blew up. Confused and worried I go into the house to find what looks like the remnants of dinner all over the stove top and glass shrapnel all over the kitchen. The worst part was finding L in hysterics crying thinking she was going to get in trouble because she was supposed to be watching dinner. After I calm her down and check to make sure she truly is ok. We did a cleanup and had tortellini and French bread instead.  Lesson learned even though my daughter's both know the basics of kitchen safety we are all l more aware of putting things that come out of the oven on a hot pad on the counter and not on the stove top.  This could have been much worse as L was sitting with her back to the stove when the glass casserole dish literally blew up. What happened was I had browned burger on the stove top for enchiladas I was so busy trying to get dinner ready I failed to turn off the burner. L pulled the enchiladas out of the oven and placed them directly on the burner. The glass heated and blew. I cried that night thinking about the injuries that could have happened. I am always so careful in the kitchen but my lack to detail could have seriously injured my kids. 
Thank God we are all ok. 

Sent from my HTC One

Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Daughters - 101 Things

Got this list from Day dreaming in ink, LOVE IT!!

I changed it a bit, because some of these things our girls will or have learned from their daddy. This list opens up so many adventures and so many chances to strengthen our bond with our girls. May they always know that no matter what, whether we agree with them or not, we will always love them and always know that they can accomplish whatever they work hard towards and want out of life.

101 Things We Will Teach our Daughters

  1. The most beautiful thing you can do is smile.
  2. Embrace whatever genre of music you enjoy listening to. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s “not music.”
  3. But just know there will never be a better song than “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins.
  4. It’s OK to think another woman is beautiful.
  5. Don’t be catty to other women. You’ll need them when we all overthrow the world together.
  6. Don’t let any man convince you that he is powerful enough to change you.
  7. Even if he bought you dinner, you owe him nothing. 
  8. The amount of pride you feel when you look good in your bikini for 20 minutes is far less than the happiness Taco Bell can bring you. I promise.
  9. Develop a lust to see the world around you.
  10. It’s OK if you don’t want to play princess or put on makeup.
  11. But it’s OK if you do, too.
  12. But at least try rugby once for me.
  13. Make sure your life is actually as fun as your Instagram profile makes it out to be.
  14. Don’t smile if you don’t mean it.
  15. You really don’t need another girl to go to the bathroom with you.
  16. Be blind to gender, race, sexuality and religious beliefs.
  17. People are people.
  18. There are few things in life that candles and Fleetwood Mac can’t fix.
  19. Don’t let any man whistle at you on the street and get away with it.
  20. If you can’t wear sweatpants and be beer bloated around them, they aren’t really your friends.
  21. Find friends who are OK with holding your hair back.
  22. Be there to hold theirs too.
  23. Never let a location be your excuse.
  24. You can be the best from wherever you are.
  25. Develop a voice, and make it loud.
  26. Your success is not my success. It’s your and yours alone.
  27. Even if you’re tall, wear the damn heels.
  28. I would really like it if you read Jane Eyre.
  29. But if you end up liking Twilight that’s cool too.
  30. No Fifty Shade of Grey, though.
  31. That sh*t is terrible.
  32. Please, watch FRIENDS. 
  33. Just because the bottom of her shoe is red, that doesn’t make her better than you.
  34. At least consider joining the Peace Corps.
  35. Go antique shopping.
  36. Keep the ticket stubs.
  37. Always wash your face before you go to bed.
  38. You don’t need to bathe yourself in perfume.
  39. Go swimming with your clothes on.
  40. Go swimming with no clothes on.
  41. A juice cleanse is never, and never will be, a good idea.
  42. You’re obligated to watch The Lion King with me at least five times in your life.
  43. Believe in guardian angels.
  44. Make wishes on fallen eyelashes.
  45. Be passionate.
  46. Be overly passionate.
  47. Be so passionate that people think you might be a little insane.
  48. Feminists aren’t scary.
  49. Learn to play the game Spoons.
  50. And Euchre.
  51. Don’t stretch yourself too thin.
  52. Never shrink yourself.
  53. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s a phase if you don’t think it is.
  54. Your sexuality does not define your morality.
  55. Go to a music festival at least once.
  56. Don’t dress the way fashion editors tell you to dress, dress the way they dress.
  57. If your job or your success emasculates him, he isn’t worth it.
  58. Find a man who has more balls than you do.
  59. Or woman.
  60. If a guy talks to you in cliches, run.
  61. Your value does not come from your appearance, age or size.
  62. It never will.
  63. High school is not the best time of your life.
  64. College is.
  65. The question “what are you thinking?” will work wonders.
  66. Dance like a maniac in your room with your headphones in.
  67. I won’t laugh.
  68. Meet someone who makes you laugh so hard you pee.
  69. Hold onto them forever.
  70. Go barefoot.
  71. Don’t be naive.
  72. Sometimes being classy is overrated.
  73. Keep your head up.
  74. Believe in magic.
  75. Don’t regret the times you feel sad. How else will you appreciate the times you feel good?
  76. Everything in moderation.
  77. Even moderation.
  78. Coffee is good for your soul.
  79. Be unapologetic-ally honest.
  80. Connect to music on a level deeper than even you understand.
  81. Wake up early.
  82. Find a good gay best friend.
  83. He’ll let you sleep in his bed and borrow his eyeliner.
  84. Don’t let anyone push you around.
  85. Surround yourself with colorful, beautiful people.
  86. Remember that not everyone will think like you.
  87. Never pass up an experience in favor of sleep.
  88. The painful truth is always easier than a messy lie.
  89. Drink champagne and dance on the table.
  90. Make a Bucket List.
  91. Make a Nectar List.
  92. Always say I love you before you leave.
  93. Never ignore what’s in front of you in favor of taking a photograph.
  94. Learn how to successfully get to the front row of concerts.
  95. Go camping without worrying about how dirty your hair will get.
  96. Learn to love the way you laugh.
  97. Laugh often.
  98. Be cheesy.
  99. When you feel a good moment, absorb it.
  100. Find beauty in everything.
  101. Don’t let fear hold you back from anything.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

TBT - Girls 1st Race

My Throw Back Thursday is my first blog post, I can't believe it has been 3 years since I started writing this and all the memories it contains are priceless!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Dawn!

This is my sister-in-law
  See that smile, well it is permanent I am sure of it. She is always smiling, she loves my kids and she was the only one crazy enough to join us on an adventure across the state to Winifred Montana for a race, when hubby was laid up on the couch with a broken leg.

From Shane, Kaleigh, Lauryn, and I, we wish you a very
Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Wes!!

Almost 12 years ago when our girls were born there was a member of our family that was miles away living in Denver.  Wes not only came back so he could meet his nieces, but from that minute they have held a special place in his heart.  He started a postcard tradition with them, if he travels he sends them a postcard and they love it when we go somewhere and they get to send him one back. It is their thing and they have a sizable collection of postcards in their scrapbooks. It has been a couple years now that Uncle Wes moved back to Helena and two girls couldn't be happier. Wes, we wish you the happiest of birthdays, and are thankful we get to celebrate with you!! Thanks for everything you do and for being such a great influence in our girls' lives!!


Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Little Seester!!

This lady turns, well I will just say she is in her early 30's, today!!! I missed her party yesterday as we were camping out at the lake with friends but I wish her the happiest of birthdays and I know this year will be a great one!!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Heather, Happy Birthday to you!! Be thankful be very thankful that you just got to read that and not hear me sing.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Growing Up in the Dirt

These two cuties have been at the races since I was pregnant, they used to fall asleep in the middle of the race track in the backpack carrier. Just like them their love of dirt bikes just keeps growing.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Land of Stories

There is no secret I love books, and since our girls were infants we try really hard to read a book before bed.  Yes, they can read themselves but they both still like it when I read a book to them, and since they are older we can ready chapter books, 1 or 2 chapters a night. We have definitely read some great books, we have also started a couple of books and not finished because as a family we were BORED!! However the week before school got out we finished the book "The Land of Stories; The Wishing Spell" by Chris Colfer. You may recognize this name from Glee however as I have never watched the show I had no clue who he was.  His acting may be good but his story telling skills are phenomenal, you have to read this book.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Six Minute Carmels

Not sure how these will taste but I love carmel so we are trying them out :)

Six Minute Caramels
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup light Karo syrup
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1. Combine all ingredients.
2. Cook 6 minutes, stirring every two minutes.
3. Stir and pour into lightly greased dish.
4. Let cool.
5. Cut, wrap in wax paper & store in an air tight container

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Six Already!!

The cute adorable bundle of spunk, fun, and adventure in this picture is my nephew. And he turned 6 the end of June. Can’t believe how big all of them have grown, but my favorite nephew (he is my only nephew) is definitely turning into quite the little man. He is a little spit fire definitely giving his mommy and daddy a run for their money, but he is also the sweetest thing big brother ever to his little sister. Auston Michael your Auntie Brookie sure does love you buddy!!


 Hello, blog world I haven't been on here in forever, but today's prompt reminded me that I used to love this space. So here goes no...