Friday, February 26, 2021


 Do you enable them? This is the question that came to mind when I saw the word for today. And the answer is maybe, I enable lots of people in my life to do what they do. Whether that is good or bad will remain a mystery for now. 

I enable my children who are 18 to be children. they are responsible have jobs, keep grades, are respectful engaging and genuinely good. They are seniors in high school, and with COVID have had a rough time junior and senior year haven't been what they should have been. So yes I enable them to grab any opportunity to have regular fun. 

I enable my husband to follow his dreams, because I believe in him. Once he sets his mind to something he might not always take the easy route, but he always takes the route that gets him where he wants to go and live this amazing life we have been blessed with. 

So enabling is not always bad, I don't enable those around me to break the law or hurt others. I enable them to live life, to enjoy the small things, but mostly to make memories. Because when we are gone from earth what we leave behind is the memories. 

You can read other Five Minute Friday posts here


  1. This is a good analogy of enable. At times I believe I enable my 18 year old by doing things for her. It has been a tough year for these high school and college kids. Thanks for the post!

  2. I love your take on enable. When I looked it up in Merriam Webster's dictionary, the first definition was to make possible. All the Biblical definition were postive. Your enabling is good. Stopping by from FMF #34.

  3. Love this.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting from #48

  4. Brook, great insights. Your enabling is making good possible. Blessings.
    Visiting from FMF#3


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 Hello, blog world I haven't been on here in forever, but today's prompt reminded me that I used to love this space. So here goes no...