Oh yes I am joining up with Melissa from The Bright Side and her blog hopping Love My Life! I love this blog hop definately one of my favorites no complaining, whining, moaning or groaning, just love! So here goes nothing what I loved about last week!
Homemade Halloween Costumes, Friend Birthday Parties and Sleepovers!
Homemade Costumes, I have been making Halloween costumes since my girls were born total I have bought 3 costumes total. This year the girls wanted to be Marines one in Dress Blues and one in Cami's. To say I don't sew a lot is an understatement so I went online and ordered their costumes 3 weeks ago. End of last week I got an email stating one of the costumes had shipped and the other was out of stock and they had refunded my credit card. Are you kidding me!!! Ok so I definatley had a small meltdown where I may have cursed and thrown a tantrum. When it was over it was time for mama to step up and figure out how one little girl was going to be a Marine in dress blues. Well this weekend I did just that and if I do say so myself I think it turned out pretty fantastic. And we got Marine approval from our cousin, Thanks Ashton!
Friend Birthday Parties, I went insane! Hubby was out of town hunting and I decided I could handle 11 ten year olds by myself at the bowling alley oh yikes! No really they weren't the bad it was just a little hectic at the end when we really didn't have time for another game of bowling but there wasn't much to do either. No worries though we made it through and I think they all had a good time. I did forget some dinner though but I fed them cake, ice cream and candy! Oh yes and then sent all but two of them home.
Sleepovers, are so much fun even though I am the parent now. It is fun to watch my girls interact with their friends and see what kind of friends they have. These two little girls are fabulous because although I don't believe they are friends with each other at school they are friends with both of my girls they all four get along so well it is great. And this will be a memory for their senior yearbook for sure!
Definately love my life and all the memories I am making!!
Ramblings of a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. Writings to remind me of memories; mostly good, a few hard, but all honest.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
October 28th - Looking Back
Looking back at our first Christmas as a family of four I can't believe that this year will be our tenth Christmas. Shane and I look so young and our girls were so little. Sad how fast time flies by but amazing how many memories we have made in these last ten years looking forward to the next ten years of memories.
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Saturday, October 27, 2012
October 27th - Morning
This has been my morning. I ordered Lauryn's Halloween costume 2 weeks ago and I received an email on Wednesday stating it was out of stock. A Marine Dress Blues costume is not easy to come by I even had my cousin who is a Marine search on base in North Carolina with no luck. So I am making it and trying to not disrespect the uniform or the Marines hopefully I pass inspection!
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Friday, October 26, 2012
October 26th - Listening To
Brigette Meddler, Pink and Point of Grace oh yes it is a collection for sure. My ipod is full of all kinds of different music and I love it.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
October 24th & 25th - Weather & People
These two things go together especially since the first snow for Montana has actually stuck around for a few days it is 27 degrees and cold. People are all bundled up trying to keep warm BRRR!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
October 23rd - The View From Here
My front door! Oh yes all the stuff that pile of stuff taking of space and probably smelling is such a wonderful site! It means my hubby is home I and I couldn't welcome that mess anymore!
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Monday, October 22, 2012
October 22nd - In Your Town
It is snowing right now and starting to stick so not ready for this. I just ordered the girls snowcoats and will have to get snowpants and boots too soon. Yikes feeling so behind hopefully this melts quick.
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LML Monday! Hunting Season
I have missed out on this blog hop the last couple of weeks I have been busy being well who knows really. I am a bit stressed right now it is normal the girls' birthday comes and then the holiday rush and I get a little stressed out about money and this and that. It will all work out I just stress.
So as I was getting ready this morning I decided that one thing I was going to for sure do was post for LML. The reason is I really do Love My Life.
So Saturday was the beginning of hunting season here in Montana and yes we hunt. I however am an amateur hunter meaning I mainly go because that whole term "Hunting Widow" gives me a the creeps. So I started hunting two years ago as a way to spend more time with my hubby, and it is fun to get out and hike around and enjoy nature. But the first two weekends of hunting season I am usually at home with the girls hanging out and this weekend was no exception, commencing spare bedroom cleanup. Oh yes the spare bedroom the one that is supposed to be our oldest daughters but the garage/office is not complete so I cannot move her into her own room yet. I know it will happen sooner or later so I am not worried but in the meantime I wanted to declutter the mess of a room. You can look here and see the picture of what I was walking into YIKES. It looks much better now and two bags of paper were shredded which was amazing. I can't wait until we can clean, paint and have two girls in their own rooms. It will be a lot less stressful in our house when that happens.
But until then I will enjoy a few quiet weekends with no hubby spending time with my girls. :) Thank you to hunting season , oh and the delicious meat is never a bad thing either, have you people seen the cost of meat at the supermarket double yikes!!!
So as I was getting ready this morning I decided that one thing I was going to for sure do was post for LML. The reason is I really do Love My Life.
So Saturday was the beginning of hunting season here in Montana and yes we hunt. I however am an amateur hunter meaning I mainly go because that whole term "Hunting Widow" gives me a the creeps. So I started hunting two years ago as a way to spend more time with my hubby, and it is fun to get out and hike around and enjoy nature. But the first two weekends of hunting season I am usually at home with the girls hanging out and this weekend was no exception, commencing spare bedroom cleanup. Oh yes the spare bedroom the one that is supposed to be our oldest daughters but the garage/office is not complete so I cannot move her into her own room yet. I know it will happen sooner or later so I am not worried but in the meantime I wanted to declutter the mess of a room. You can look here and see the picture of what I was walking into YIKES. It looks much better now and two bags of paper were shredded which was amazing. I can't wait until we can clean, paint and have two girls in their own rooms. It will be a lot less stressful in our house when that happens.
But until then I will enjoy a few quiet weekends with no hubby spending time with my girls. :) Thank you to hunting season , oh and the delicious meat is never a bad thing either, have you people seen the cost of meat at the supermarket double yikes!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
October 21st - Calm
Our living room right now so calm and peaceful almost too it is making me really miss my hubby. Hope he is having hunting luck.
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Saturday, October 20, 2012
October 20th - 4 o'clock
This is the excitement at 4 o'clock. I am cleaning decluttering getting the beginning stages of organizing started so that one girl can have her own room. It is a little more than I thought and I am pretty sure I hate it. YUCK!
Oh well the end result will be worth it and when we go to move stuff to the garage it will not be chaos.
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Oh well the end result will be worth it and when we go to move stuff to the garage it will not be chaos.
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Friday, October 19, 2012
October 19th - Letters
These letters are on one of my favorite T-shirt's. He does totally Rock even on the days he makes me mad :) Love you Mr Feist and Good Luck this weekend.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012
October 18th - Made You Smile Today
This made me smile. We got the girls season ski rentals for their birthday and the guy said they should wear their boots around the house to break them in as they got brand new boots with their rentals. Well they took him very seriously and have been wearing them every day maybe for only and hour but it is so funny.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
October 17th - Fruit
Mini pears oh yes they are tiny and oh so yummy. Got them in my bountiful basket and each one is a huge treat.
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October 16th - Something You Wrote
I can't show exact but I voted yesterday so pretty sure that counts for something I wrote. As I work on a computer all day not a lot of writing takes place just a lot of typing. :)
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Monday, October 15, 2012
October 15th - On The Table
This was on our table tonight at 7PM. Today is National Infant Loss Day and we lite a candle to remember Graysen Christopher Clark. A good day for a memory and to look forward to welcoming his little brother or sister into the world. Yes that wonderful couple that loss their baby is expecting and we are all so excited for them. So please say a prayer for them and lite a candle today and remember.
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
October 14th - Makes You Laugh
Camo she is one of our pound puppies. She looks like she has some mastiff some boxer some lab in her and she is a whopping 96lbs but the biggest sweetheart. She is normally sleeping but she makes me laugh when she goes outside and pouts because nobody will throw her Frisbee for her. Note you can't throw that Frisbee enough she is slightly possessed when she is getting her Frisbee absolutely crazy, but her pouting just cracks me up. So abused looking trust me it is an act.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012
October 13th - Landscape
Not sure this counts but it is the city landscape from the valley. A lot of lights but beautiful!
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Friday, October 12, 2012
October 12th - On the Table
Pretty simple my kitchen table made by my amazing hubby decorated with our Halloween place mats and my four leaf clover plant.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
Fall Box Swap
So a few weeks ago I signed up to participate in my first
ever Fall Box Swap being hosted by Nicole over at
I was paired up with Kelly over at Combat Boots & Booster Seats, and I hope she likes her box
as much as I enjoyed opening mine. Fabulous is all I have to say, I do believe we think alot alike.
Kelly even thought about my girls with the wonderful stickers!
Thanks Kelly I love it and Thanks Nicole for sponsering!
October 10th & 11th - Emotion Something Up Close
Yep I am doubling up again I was having a hard time yesterday with Emotion and then it hit me this morning. Emotion is always in the eyes they are the window to the soul. So an up close pic of my eye today will cover both. Plus it is pretty cool if I do say so myself!!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
10 Years In Pictures
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October 8th & 9th - Angle & Red
I combined yesterday and today as I missed yesterday it was a little unorganized. However today's picture is my water bottle sticker MAHEM! It is a company out of Red Lodge MT very cool!
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
October 6th - I'm Thankful For
The last 10 years I had with this little guy. The love he gave to my girls the friend he was. Today the first pet Shane and I got together and the girls' first pet got hit by a car. Stubbs was just a cat to everyone else but to us he was great. He played fetched with my hair ties, he snuck into the girls room at night to sleep at their feet, he meowed like crazy outside the front door to get let back in, more than anything I think he loved us as much as we loved him. I truly miss him and have been crying like a big baby most of the day that he is gone no more mice presents on the front door, no more meowing for his dinner because we were running late, no more attacking me while I was folding clothes. Man I miss this little guy I am sad that he died the way he did and just sad that he is gone so sad.
I know we will get another cat I know he wouldn't live forever I just miss him he is a member of our family that isn't here anymore and it makes me sad.
I hope all of you have the blessing of an animal family member.
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I know we will get another cat I know he wouldn't live forever I just miss him he is a member of our family that isn't here anymore and it makes me sad.
I hope all of you have the blessing of an animal family member.
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Dear Kaleigh & Lauryn
Dear Kaleigh & Lauryn
I have been waiting to write this hoping some great words would come to mind, but with no such luck I am going to just type and talk. 10 years ago Kaleigh, you decided that at 6 weeks early you and your sister were ready to join the world outside. Kaleigh you got to spend two weeks in the NICU and Lauryn you spent one week then you got to come home with mommy and daddy.
Kaleigh, your sense of adventure hasn't stopped since then.
You are so much like your daddy, a little adrenaline junkie full of life, spirit, wonder and this desire to never stop moving. You are a little tomboy although sometimes I wish you would realize that being a girl isn't all that bad, we are working on it. As much as it drives me crazy when people mistakenly call you a boy, you let it roll off your shoulders, you know who you are and if they aren't going to pay enough attention to realize you are a girl then you will smile and let me correct them, which I do! You love sports, if it involves competition and a ball you are involved. You have a large love for basketball though and daily we can find you outside at the basketball hoop, trying to slam dunk and shooting away. You are not a huge fan of reading and math as long as it involves real life stuff is pretty easy for you, another trait you get from your dad. My little Griz fan, you found this team with this large fuzzy bandana motorcycle riding bear and you just can't get enough. School clothes shopping is usually interesting but this year you made it even more so because I am pretty sure if I wouldn't have intervened you would have had a whole wardrobe of Griz stuff. I can't believe you are in 4th grade, I can't believe that you are so big, I can't believe that the little 4lb 10oz, preemie I brought home from the hospital is growing into such a beautiful young girl. You amaze me every day from your independent attitude to your love of life. Stay true to yourself and know that I am always here for you. Love you!
Lauryn, you still get pulled along for the ride sometimes!
You are so much like me that it drives me crazy sometimes, determined, stubborn, curious, yet quiet and reserved around people you don't know. You are my little question asker, there are stories of your daddy driving Papa Earle crazy asking questions while driving, well you my child overanalyze by asking questions. You are so curious about stuff, you will ask one quesition after another and sometimes one question on top of another question. But you love learning and love school and I think your curiousity payes off in this way. You love arts and crafts you are definately my girl with that lets paint, glue or design something attitude. You have such a big heart and I am sure that your future career will include kids. You love helping Maka take care of Emmalee you like feeding her, changing her, and just sitting and talking to her. You make me proud watching you with littler kids, you truley love them and are so compassionate. When it comes to your older sister you never forget to remind her that you are bigger, although you are not as diehard in the sports as she is you love basketball too and this year I have seen a love of volleyball developing. I am always proud to watch my girls play sports. You have this insane love of your sisters rival team, the Bobcats. You even talk about wanting to go to college in Bozeman. I don't know if you started liking the Bobcats to drive Kaleigh crazy or because you really do like them but whatever the reason I am happy to support this in house rivalry, in secret hoping that you both go to the same college so mommy and daddy are not traveling in opposite directions on parents weekend. 4th grade snuck up on me and with it you growing so fast, you are already wearing my shoes, and soon may be stealing my clothes although I am secretly just hoping that my clothes are cool enough to steal. You were 5lbs, 4ozs when you were born and I am in awe of the gorgeous young lady you are becoming. I love your determination and love of learning it will take you far! Love you!
Girls your love of each other is a great thing and I know there are days maybe even some weeks where the fact that you are twins is a small fact, because you two are so polar opposites. But the nights I still have to put one of you back in your own bed remind me that you have a bond that no one will break. You are growing so fast and it gets me all teary eyed wishing I could freeze time just for a little while, so that I could go back and enjoy you being babies again. It went by so fast because I was so busy with two of you that I feel like I missed out sometimes. You two amaze me every day from watching you ride your dirt bikes, to socializing with your friends there are times I have to remind myself that you are getting bigger and older and are not the infants that needed my help every day. I hope you both know that I am here to listen anytime you want to talk to me, that I am here to support you in your dreams and to dream with you and I am here if you just need a hug. I still melt when I carry you guys to bed at night because there is no better feeling that your arms around my neck and hearing "I love you mom". I love you both so much and although I couldn't believe God trusted me so much when he gave me twins, you are and always will be my greatest accomplishments.
Love, Mom
October 5th - Shadow
Wow am I late on this one! In fact I was going to chalk it up for a lose call it a night and turn out the lights. Then inspiration hit me or at least I touched it :) Our living room lamp has this wonderful shadow design, genius!
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Thursday, October 4, 2012
October 4th - What You Read
This is one of my reads I love this magazine. It has lots of resources and I love that the Helena section is getting bigger. Great articles and if you go to their website www.mtparent.com you can check out their blog which is great too!
Sorry for the sideways picture it just wouldn't rotate.
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Sorry for the sideways picture it just wouldn't rotate.
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Paid Days Off
Oh yes it is that time again, I am joining Ashley over at Domestic Fashionista for Thankfulness Thursdays.
Oh Thankfulness Thursday you snuck up on me but today I am thankful for paid days off. You see my girls are turning 10 this weekend and I am so extremely sad they have hit double digits and I am sure I have missed the last 9 years as I am just not sure where they went. But tomorrow I get a paid day off to go take birthday treats to their classes, have lunch with them and hopefully attend the Parent Council meeting. I also get to go get their birthday presents which is always so much fun. So yeah for having an employer that provides us with paid days off!
What are you thankful for??
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October 3rd - This Happened Today
So we got visitors today! Ashton and Alex are home on leave getting their stuff out of storage, packing up their dog and driving back to NC. But while they are here they are visiting family and friends and bringing early birthday presents! They got the girls new Marine shirts which are a huge hit and are probably not coming off anytime soon. Fine with this mama I am all about supporting our military.
Love you Alex and Ashton and happy to have you back safe Ashton!
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Love you Alex and Ashton and happy to have you back safe Ashton!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012
October 2nd - Lunchtime
So this is the view from where I sat eating my lunch today. I was going to share a picture of my wonderful leftovers of roast and veggies but alas it is all gone YUM! My actual lunch hour will spent on the treadmill at the gym as I didn't make it up early this morning to workout and I am still trying to figure out my school workout schedule. Darn it for my comfy bed! Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday I know mine started out good and I hope it will just get better.
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Monday, October 1, 2012
October 1st: Where You Stood
This is the view from where I stood on the back steps. Not as beautiful as usual as it is terribly smoky outside. However it is still our view and I definately wouldn't trade it.
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October Photo a Day!!
Ok so I found this photo a day list and had to join in on the fun. Hopefully you enjoy following along. Here is the list and I promise a photo every day!! I am taking a break from Facebooking so I will not be linking my posts up to my status'. My world will be documented via here I have some exciting things coming. An ornament swap I am participating in, a Fall Favorites swap I am participating in and some very special dates. Thanks for reading and following!
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Hello, blog world I haven't been on here in forever, but today's prompt reminded me that I used to love this space. So here goes no...
Hello, blog world I haven't been on here in forever, but today's prompt reminded me that I used to love this space. So here goes no...
So I started participating in this new series last week called Five Minute Friday the link is at the bottom of this post. But before I get ...
So I am starting a new series I won't post on it regularly but more when I feel the need to vent about it or just need some encouragemen...